Focus Areas

At ClearStone, our focus is Manufacturing.

With our depth of knowledge and experience, we find clear solutions to even the most complex of problems.

We don’t just talk about it – we deliver results.

Let us help you get on top of the rock.

Focus Areas

At ClearStone, our focus is Manufacturing.

With our depth of knowledge and experience, we find clear solutions to even the most complex of problems.

We don’t just talk about it – we deliver results.

Let us help you get on top of the rock.

Business Crisis Management

A sudden cash flow surprise, loss of a key customer, loss of key employees….it can happen.

Unexpected external circumstances can create a crisis that causes a ripple through the organization with the potential to cause a cascade of damage in other areas.

ClearStone can move into action quickly to address the root cause of the issue and calm the ripple.

We have handled many crisis situations and not only solved the initial problem but often created an outcome that was better than before the problem occurred. Please see our Case Studies section for explanation of several crisis cases.

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    Upon your direction, we can take a very active role or help guide and coach your team.

    We can help manage operations, handle relationships and restructurings with lenders, renegotiate pricing and contracts with customers, renegotiate vendor agreements and relationships, and most importantly maintain loyalty and commitment with the internal management team and employees.

    Having operated numerous mid-size businesses within the automotive industry, we are used to dealing with difficult customers, strong suppliers and crisis situations.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

ClearStone Consultants manage manufacturing business crisis
ClearStone International are manufacturing consultants that  help bring your vision and strategy into focus

Vision - Strategy - Business Plans

Ideally, a business starts with a sound vision, strategy and a detailed business plan.

As a business grows and evolves, and as markets and technology change, the alignment of resources and focus will need to change and continually evolve to be optimum.  

A frequently updated Vision, Strategy and Business Plan is crucial to ensure all the companies’ efforts and resources are focused on the best possible path to success.

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    With ClearStone International we will quickly and efficiently lead your team through the process of developing a clear vision and strategy for the business.

    This typically includes a ‘values’ analysis, SWOT analysis, and hands-on practical data driven discussions to hone-in on the optimum vision and strategy for the business to maximize its returns and shareholder goals.

    We have a proven business plan financial model that helps the management team understand and manage all of the key financial drivers that impact profitability and cash flow.

    The model incorporates all the schedules, data, financial statements, and sensitivity analysis capabilities necessary for comprehensive financial forecasting that will provide clear information beyond any owner, lender or investors’ expectations.

    The ClearStone process makes it easier for your management team to participate and have key input to help develop the vision, strategies and financial model.  The financial model becomes the budget to manage and measure to.

    Having an updated and accurate business and financial plan is key to a business staying on track, maximizing the potential, and avoiding financial issues and problems.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Turnaround - Restructuring

Time changes everything. A business that was started many years ago may have had ideal equipment, processes, personnel, skills, vision, strategy.

Over time, what was once ideal, will no longer be ideal to maximize the potential of the business, both financially and as a positive part of the community and lives of its employees.

Every business needs to change. Either a little bit every year in the right direction, or a lot at once to get on the best path.

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    A former pilot turned business owner told us a great analogy…if you’re flying from New York to LA and you’re being pushed off course a few degrees by wind, you need to make adjustments to take into account the wind and consistently maintain the right direction to reach your destination in the shortest possible path and time.

    If you ignore the wind and wait, you will end up in a completely different destination and require a large correction and additional time and cost to get to the correct destination…. analogous to requiring a business turnaround and/or restructuring.

    We understand how easy it can be to get to this point. There are countless reasons this can happen, it’s much harder to stay perfectly on course than it is to slowly drift off.

    There can be management issues, the market for the product changes significantly, or other outside influences such as the financial crisis in 2008/2009 or the recent COVID pandemic.

    There is no one solution for every company. Each situation is unique and requires a specific set of actions to make the best possible changes. 

    Fortunately, many manufacturing situations are similar from one business to another, so having experience solving and managing these types of problems and opportunities will lead to a much more favorable outcome.

    A complete turnaround / restructuring may involve focusing on several parts of the business. Our team has vast, practical, hands on experience in each of these areas and can help as necessary. Often a project starts with an immediate focus in one critical area, such as dealing with critical banking or cash flow issues, to evolving to helping improve and enhance other areas of the business.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Clearstone International are restructuring and business turnaround consultants focusing on manufacturing businesses
Clearstone International provides best cash flow and financing solutions to manufacturing clients

Financing - Capital Sourcing - Cash Flow Optimization

Having sufficient capital and adequate financing for a manufacturing business can be a challenge.

The businesses are often capital intensive with specialized equipment and large inventories of raw material and work- in-process.

Sales and cash flow forecasting can be extremely difficult to predict as they are based on customer forecasts that are inaccurate.

At ClearStone we have a proven cash flow and financial model that will help provide a clear understanding of the businesses’ cash flow and capital requirements.

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    We will work with your team to quickly go through the ClearStone Cash Flow Process:

    • Understanding the Company’s vision and goals,
    • building the core of the financial model, 
    • focusing on immediate performance and margin improvement opportunities,
    • optimize the natural cash flow to improve working capital, and
    • develop a plan to improve the longer-term capital structure.

    Equity capital is expensive and should be rationed. Our goal is to improve the situation to prevent needing additional equity. Whatever the solution, we can help you achieve it and we won’t waste your time getting there.

    We have significant experience in this area having developed the capital structure and arranged financing for numerous situations and opportunities; including arranging traditional banking/lending, non-traditional lending, equipment financing, SBA financing, building mortgages, equipment leases, building leases and building sale-lease-backs, subordinated debt and equity capital.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Operational Improvements

At ClearStone, we bring true manufacturing operational experience. Our team has hands-on experience running operations of all sizes and complexities.

We will quickly perform an analysis of the operations and identify improvement opportunities on a priority basis.

We are also here to help and will gladly work with your team to implement the changes to achieve the intended results.

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    Whether it be improving production cycle times and efficiencies, reducing overtime, optimizing material usage, reducing scrap, improving quality, reducing costs for supplies, utilities, shipping, overhead… – we can help.

    We can help you find the improvement opportunities and implement controls so that the savings continue long term.

    You may already have identified areas that need attention but lack the internal resources necessary to drive the improvement and achieve the savings.  

    Whatever the situation, we can ensure optimum results are achieved.

    Please refer to the Case Studies for several examples where we have made significant operational improvements for our clients.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

The Clearstone consulting path to operational improvements for manufacturers
Rightsizing your manufacturing business with Clearstone International

Rightsizing - Downsizing

In order to maximize possible returns and preserve cash, it is necessary to continually analyze the performance of the business, and if market conditions dictate, right size the business.

Rightsizing the business means adjusting all costs to suit the sales and production demand, including costs other than just labor.

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    It is tempting to justify maintaining the existing cost structure with the hope that something else will change and automatically correct itself. Unfortunately, this seldom happens.

    If a business carries additional costs, it will consume cash reserves until a critical point is reached.

    Rightsizing the business at the front end of a sales downtown is a key to success.

    Combined with being agile and able to re-adjust to market growth and changes.

    At ClearStone we have experience that has managed numerous businesses through multiple recessions and difficult periods. We have the ability to quickly analyze your business and help implement changes that can right size the company while also better preparing it for the future.  

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Vendor Management and Negotiation

At ClearStone International, we bring a unique approach to help businesses improve their vendor contracts and achieve substantial ongoing savings. We are not your ordinary consultants. We will not only analyze your spend and bring to attention the highest priority opportunities for improvement, we will help make the changes for you.


We put our money where our mouth is. We are pleased to enter into assignments where we are not paid for our time, but rather only paid for results, via a percentage of the savings we find and implement for you.

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    We take a holistic approach and first gain a complete understanding of what you do. We have significant experience in contract negotiation and take an individual approach with each supplier, looking for a win-win in each situation to maximize the savings without creating supplier problems.  

    Having a new set of eyes and asking questions brings to light areas where there is waste and opportunity for improvement.

    Please refer to the Case Studies for several examples where we have negotiated substantial savings for our clients

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Clearstone consulting will demonstrate a clear path to effective vendor management and negotiation for your manufacturing business
Clearstone International focuses on sales, marketing and branding for your manufacturing business

Sales - Marketing - Branding

Sales revenue is well known to be the life blood of a manufacturing business. Revenue and cash flow generated by selling products or services keeps all the wheels moving and makes the business possible.

Sales, marketing and building the companies’ brand, ultimately determines the companies’ direction and future.

There should be a continual focus on re-evaluating each of these areas to ensure the business is heading in the right direction and focusing its resources on the best opportunities.

Pricing is both a financial science and a balancing act, dependent on many factors and circumstances.

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    Long-term supply contracts can provide a sense of security, but if it’s lower margin business it’s often a self-inflicted trap. It’s keeping everyone busy working hard and making customers happy, but consuming the companies’ resources going in circles, albeit the circles may be getting bigger and bigger.

    There are a variety of possible issues that can hinder a business from reaching its potential. The same issues seem to pop up in most companies over time. Experience dealing with similar situations helps provide a clear path to improvements that are often quite simple to implement.

    Excellence in sales and marketing opens up a universe of potential opportunities. Sales, marketing, branding and pricing decisions will likely have the greatest impact on a companies’ level of success.

    The ClearStone team has real hands-on experience developing and operating successful manufacturing sales and marketing programs with solid results.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Project Management

Effective project management needs to be at the core of all manufacturing companies. Everything is a project. A company is a collection of projects.

A successful project not only accomplishes the task at hand but builds in a system to ensure the project becomes an integrated and self-diagnostic part of the overall process.

At ClearStone we love managing projects. “An ounce of care is worth a pound of cure”.

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    We manage projects of all types, from manufacturing shop floor type projects with clearly defined objectives, to broader assignments and turnarounds impacting all functions and departments in a manufacturing company.

    We organize and track all projects with timelines and success milestones. Time, costs and conformance to budget and goals are all tracked and managed for efficiency.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Project Management made easy by Clearstone International where we specialize in manufacturing consulting
Clearstone International takes Human Resources to the next level because we know what is needed in a manufacturing business

Human Resources

At ClearStone International, human resources is one of our specialties and areas closest to our hearts.

People are a businesses’ greatest asset, and conversely typically it’s largest controllable cost.

Many factors are critical with regards to human resources, including safety, recruitment, onboarding, retention, skills assessment/alignment, culture, payroll processing, payroll costs, health benefits, 401k, workers compensation, training, policies, communication, incentives and many other important subjects.

At ClearStone International we understand all of these areas intimately.

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    We perform value stream mapping, skills assessments and job analysis to determine opportunities to reduce costs and consolidate activities. Our focus is to minimize fixed costs and align variable costs to balance potential volume fluctuations.

    We have spent over 25 years negotiating and designing optimal health and ancillary insurance benefits plans. Controlling this cost is crucial in an environment of escalating medical costs.

    Workers Compensation is often a substantial hidden cost to employers. While workers compensation rates are set by each state, carefully managing and improving your safety record and properly categorizing positions and employees as factory or admin is essential to controlling cost.  

    We have also found that employees who have a basic financial education, are more capable to find and act upon cost savings ideas for the company.


    We have developed financial literacy training sessions specifically for employees of manufacturing companies and can provide group sessions to all employees in your organization. Properly trained and engaged employees are a company’s most valuable asset.

    Take a look at the Case Studies to see what we have been able to achieve for our clients in this area.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Interim Staffing

With our long history and experience running manufacturing businesses, we have developed a proven team of experienced individuals able to work on project assignments.

Whether you need help in filling interim roles for CEO, CFO, senior management, or departmental manager levels, we have the personnel who can jump in and be effective day one. 

We can also provide experienced talent to train your employees to get to the next level.

ClearStone International

Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Clearstone International can fill your interim staffing needs or provide manufacturing advice
Expansions or start-ups – resources and expertise you need with Clearstone Manufacturing Consultants

Facility Expansion and Greenfield Start-up

At ClearStone International, our foundation is engineering and project management.

We have overseen the facility layout, building construction, machinery moves and complete setup of numerous operations.

We know what it takes to handle all the complexities involved with a major expansion or a new facility.

This may include hiring and training the right management team and key employees, and also setting up all systems, including ERP, quality and financial.

ClearStone International

Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Acquisitions and Integration

An acquisition may be an effective way to expand a business for many reasons, including geographical, size/volume, capabilities or technology.

At ClearStone, our objective is to help our clients make the best acquisitions for their businesses, at the most reasonable costs, and to ensure there will be solid results after the acquisition is completed and integrated.

Often acquisitions are made with great hope and excitement, yet frequently become a regrettable and costly mistake.

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    Before we get started, we work with the client to clearly identify the goal(s) to be obtained via an acquisition, considering also alternative strategies or potential avenues to achieve the same or similar goals.

    We work on behalf of the client and can take responsibility from end to end. This includes acquisition identification, negotiation, due diligence, contracts/agreements and most importantly, the successful integration. 

    Depending on the circumstances, ClearStone may utilize its relationships with its network of business brokers to identify a wide range of potential acquisition candidates.

    Lastly, and most importantly, we can handle the entire project and the integration so that the acquisition achieves the goals originally established.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Clearstone consultants are experts at manufacturing business acquisitions and integration
Clearstone International brings it all together for our manufacturing clients

Mergers and Joint Ventures

Mergers are often grouped in with “Mergers and Acquisitions”. We feel a merger is different, often more complicated, not less, than an acquisition or a sale.

A Merger means both parties are involved with the business going forward, even if one party is the controlling party. This adds another layer of complexity, not just completing the agreements, but also typically managing the business going forward.

A Joint Venture can take many forms from being a joint ownership and joint investment arrangement, to various forms of working together or “strategic alliances”, such as a co-operation agreement regarding sales opportunities or markets.

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    A Joint Venture can be simple or complex depending on each parties’ goals and objectives. 

    We have handled and being directly involved with many forms of Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances, Acquisitions, Mergers, and Sales of businesses or divisions. We can help manage this entire process to ensure you achieve solid results.

    As with all assignments at ClearStone, we will first work with you to clearly understand and identify the goal(s) to be obtained; the reasons for considering a merger or joint venture.

    We will help you find the best path to achieve the objectives, also considering alternative strategies or potential avenues to achieve the same goals.  And then we will do it for you.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Sale of the Business

A sale of a business is often one of the biggest decisions a client will make. How the sale process is handled can make a significant difference to the selling price and terms.

We have been directly involved in the sale of many businesses or divisions, as well as many acquisitions on the other side. We fully understand both sides, as a seller and as a buyer.

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    At ClearStone, we have the experience and abilities to help create a highly successful sale of the business.

    We understand the operational, financial, sales/marketing, and other changes that are needed to best position the company for maximum value…and can help make the changes for you even in a critical or short time frame.

    We can also prepare the CIM or Confidential Information Memorandum that describes the business to potential buyers, including preparing and presenting all historical and projected financial information.

    ClearStone will utilize its relationships with its network of business brokers to identify a wide range of potential buyers and then vet and manage the potential buyers that are brought forth.

    We work with you under your direction, but handle the process end-to-end including working with each potential buyer through their due diligence and helping negotiate and manage the final written contracts and wording with the attorneys.

    ClearStone International

    Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Clearstone will maximize the value of your manufacturing business for a sale
Clearstone International – we operate and understand the business climate in the USA, Canada and Mexico especially for manufacturing

International – USA, Canada and Mexico

The ClearStone team has worked extensively in Canada, USA and Mexico. We’ve operated businesses in all three countries, so appreciate the many differences, including labor and tax laws as well as cultural differences.

We can help in all three countries within our topics of focus, including helping establish new facilities, hire and train management teams and project manage moving and setting up operations.

ClearStone International

Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

Our Process is Straightforward.

Contact us and we’ll have a confidential conversation with you to quickly assess the situation. No charge. We will listen, ask questions and immediately discuss ideas and potential solutions with you.

We prioritize and focus on actions that will have the most beneficial impact, and then either work with you to get them done or do it completely for you with your approval.

ClearStone International

Clear Solutions. Solid Results.

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