Manufacturing businesses can face many challenges and obstacles.
With our long history in the manufacturing industry, we can help you find clear solutions to overcome your specific challenges.
Take a look below at our wide range of successful cases.
Manufacturing businesses can face many challenges and obstacles.
With our long history in the manufacturing industry, we can help you find clear solutions to overcome your specific challenges.
Take a look below at our wide range of successful cases.
All case studies have been successfully completed by either ClearStone International or by its Managing Members directly prior to formally establishing ClearStone.
Create new division for the client by negotiating the purchase of a manufacturing operation (but not the building) from a large fortune 100 customer, including a supply agreement for the production of over 300 components that are made at the customer’s operation.
Purchase a new manufacturing facility and move all equipment, tooling and processes to the new facility. Setup all equipment and manufacturing processes.
Hire and train a new management team and all manufacturing personnel. Setup all necessary manufacturing and quality systems.
Project manage the entire project including the production ramp-up during the transition. Create a system to capture and manage all knowledge transfer including formally updating documents and specifications for all parts produced.
Move all equipment and processes in groups spaced three weeks apart to allow time for training and transition on both ends. Entire operation needs to be moved to enable customer to close the facility in only 10 weeks from the start of the project.
This fast transition is necessary to enable customer’s employees to move to new jobs at a nearby facility while they are available. Timing and employee relationships are critical. The existing operation is unionized, adding complexity.
Mission Accomplished.
Customer is delighted with results and awards client with another large $25 million/year contract for a second manufacturing facility.
New division is profitable for the client within 6 months.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Client started a completely new facility for a key fortune 100 customer, making large investments in equipment and personnel.
Once fully operational, it became evident that no matter how efficient the business was operated, the selling price would not cover the costs necessary to produce the parts.
The cost vs price problem was the result of issues on both sides, including the customer adding complexity and specifications that were beyond original expectations.
Due to the specialized nature of the products being produced by the client for the customer, the original pricing had been developed with input from the customer…but perhaps selective input.
There is going to need to be an adjustment in the pricing, and/or a higher volume commitment from the customer, since the client cannot continue to lose money.
The customer cannot commit to higher volume and will fight a price increase since they based many business decisions on the agreed to pricing.
Our client made an investment of over $15 million based on a return that has become negative once operational. Neither party is happy. A battle is soon to develop.
It’s time to open up and bare it all. A difficult situation such as this where each party is convinced their information/opinion is the truth, is best handled by engaging everyone to work through the problem and the data together as a team instead of arguing over differences.
We requested the customer provide it’s best two individuals to work together with the client for several weeks full time to mutually create a business plan for the most efficient (but possible) operation producing the product, as requested and specified by the customer.
Once the costs to run the operation were mutually agreed upon, the customers’ volume commitment determined the final new pricing.
Mission Accomplished
The client’s business immediately turned from losing money each month to making money, including a built-in return on investment.
The client’s customer was also pleased with the outcome as they realize the supplier (our client) must ultimately be paid their costs plus a reasonable return to survive long-term. By jointly working together to build the business plan, the customer was also convinced that they were paying the least possible cost, even though it was higher than their initial (incorrect) estimate.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Client is struggling with an excessive debt load and high interest costs and it is difficult for the business to gain traction.
Some of the company’s lenders and investors are highly cooperative and want to work with the company going forward.
One particular subordinated lender is not cooperative and seems prepared to let the company fail.
We need to deal with this investor/lender and negotiate the best possible solution on behalf of the company.
The difficult investor/lender accepted a significant discount on their subordinated position, saving the company over $4 million in principal alone.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Automotive Tier 1 customer is overly aggressive with our client, a small supplier, causing growing losses due to forced year over year price reductions while also refusing to acknowledge or pay for any repairs to their ‘customer owned’ tooling.
The customer has been approached numerous times previously and refuses to make any actual changes to help the company.
The customer has grown to become the client’s largest customer at one specific facility, providing approximately 60% of the facilities’ total sales. The client feels they cannot lose the customer short term but cannot continue being consumed with this customer and losing money.
In such a situation, it’s best to play hard ball. It’s better to have it out sooner rather than later. The more time that passes, the money has been lost and the client cannot focus on other opportunity.
We presented all of the data to the customer to properly justify the price changes/corrections.
We made every effort to resolve the situation in a positive manner, although the client unfortunately had to temporarily shut down the customers’ production and shipments, so they knew the client was serious.
Mission Accomplished
Client obtained a price increase of over $2 million per year, tooling was repaired, and they maintained all of the existing business until programs came to a natural end-of-life, 3-8 years later.
The additional cash flow from the price adjustment ensured the client’s success, including providing time to transition away from this lower margin type work to a higher margin, value added, product focus.
The aggressive customer was not happy and did not source new business with our client…but that’s ok, you don’t need customers that cost you more than they pay.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Due to a sharp reduction in sales volume caused by the sudden unexpected expiration of a long-term program, client must make significant operational changes and cost reductions.
Right size the business and immediately reduce costs by at least $160k/month.
Using a breakdown of average monthly expenses, analyze all expense items and determine which expenses will receive additional focus. Establish realistic goals for the reduction of each selected expense, including how the reduction will be obtained.
Evaluate the workload and skill set of all employees and keep the best for the company. Transfer knowledge and job responsibilities from those replaced to those assuming new responsibilities.
Reevaluate management and determine the most functional and cost-effective organizational structure.
Above changes and action items should exceed in total the required reductions by an additional 20-30% to ensure the goals are achieved.
Implement the changes. Get it done.
Mission Accomplished
Client’s business was rightsized with cost savings exceeding the targets. With a higher concentration of the best people, the facility ran better than ever and was able to regrow sales without adding back the proportionate amount of people.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
A potential customer plans to close their current parts manufacturing facility after moving all of the assembly operations to Mexico. Customer requests our client, a parts supplier, quotes the supply of all the products to the customer’s new facility in Mexico.
After a tour of the customers’ operation and an analysis of steel and transportation costs, it became evident that it would be more beneficial to the customer, and the client, if the customers’ facility was acquired by the client and continued to supply the products, instead of establishing new operations on the Mexican border.
Negotiate the acquisition of the facility from the customer as well as a long-term supply agreement. Acquire the facility and all equipment. The facility produces more than $50 million per year of product.
Hire and retain all necessary personnel.
Secure all necessary financing and equity to acquire the facility and equipment and finance the operations of the business.
Project manage the transition of facility ownership, operating systems and ensure absolutely no production issues when transferring ownership and operations from customer to client.
Mission Accomplished
The facility and operations were successfully acquired by the client who has grown the facility to be their flagship operation. The client became the sole dedicated supplier to the customer for over 15 years until the product life cycle came to a natural end.
The facility acquired by our client diversified into other markets and now has over 25 key customers, instead of one. The employees have also had their employment extended for over 16 years since the customer announced their original plans to close the facility.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
During 2009, the client’s lender took advantage of the situation and increased the clients’ interest rate from 8% to 28%. Since this rate applied to the consolidated financing for three operating facilities, the increase in interest cost was over $4.0 million per year.
The client had missed its covenants after the 2008/2009 financial crisis, so was technically in default and the lender had the unilateral right to increase the interest rate as high as possible.
The lender knew the client could not go elsewhere during 2009, especially while having marginal performance as a result of significantly lower volumes.
The client is a tier one automotive supplier. Its largest customer is one of the largest OEM’s, not known for its patience with suppliers.
The client fortunately has a fantastic operating performance of consistent zero PPMs.
Solution is to approach the OEM customer’s risk management group and request their assistance to help the client refinance to a different lender. Provided data to support the client’s request as well as its excellent performance record.
Mission Accomplished
A temporary loan agreement was structured between the client and the customer, enabling the lender to be paid off. The customer was repaid in full by the client. This provided a bridge to the client to refinance the remaining debt under attractive terms.
The relationship with the customer ironically improved with this situation leading to securing significant business for both of the client’s other facilities.
The difficult lender who took advantage of the client and the situation went out of business shortly thereafter.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Client has multiple facilities in multiple countries, each with its own financing for the properties, the equipment and working capital lines.
Goal is to consolidate financing to reduce interest costs as well as leverage the company’s assets to fund the acquisition of a new business.
Prepare a package of financial information regarding the business’ historical results and future projections, including consolidating all operations and the new business to be acquired.
Contact multiple lending sources to find the best overall financing package.
Negotiated and secured a financing package to encompass all consolidated entities as well as provide sufficient proceeds to fund the new business acquisition without obtaining additional equity.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Client’s bank has its own financial problems (no fault of the client) and is taken over by the FDIC. Client is given 90 days to find a new lender.
Being shortly after the 2008/2009 financial crisis, the client does not have a strong balance sheet or operational results, so finding a new bank will not be easy.
Although the situation seems daunting and potentially devastating for the client, can this be turned into a positive?
Mission Accomplished
Since the client was carrying too much debt from 2008/2009, its balance sheet and financial ratios made it near impossible to find a new lender.
The FDIC was approached with the reality that the client would only be able to move a portion of its debt.
In the end, a large portion of the debt was forgiven, significantly improving the client’s balance sheet and enabling a new beginning for the client.
Established a relationship with a new lender out of Chicago that was excited to finance the client with the reduced debt amount. Also reduced interest rates by over 3% from the rates with the prior lender.
Handled correctly, even what appears to be a bad situation can potentially have a good outcome.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Client is impacted by changes in the steel and scrap markets, with unfavorable steel purchase contracts and fixed customer pricing. The client starts to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars each month.
The client had been ‘gambling’ on the steel market staying low and had agreed to long-term, fixed price supply contracts with automotive customers.
It’s impossible to predict the future, so we have found it best to create pricing arrangements with customers that fluctuate up or down with steel or other commodity prices on a quarterly or monthly basis.
Using this method, the pricing is always fair for both the supplier and the customer. Neither party is taking a risk or gambling on the future unknown market.
Mission Accomplished
Revised sales and pricing agreements with the client’s largest customers were negotiated and implemented. The pricing agreements include formulas to properly account for changes in the steel and scrap market.
Immediate improvement of over $1.5 million per year in pricing, representing approximately half of the problem. Additional changes were made by our restructuring and vendor management team, saving an additional $1.75 million per year with other changes.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
The client’s controller had been incorrectly calculating the contra offset to subtract from the borrowing base calculations for the bank.
A contra offset is required when a company purchases steel or other products from their customer that they also sell product too.
Since the customer has an inherent right to offset the costs for what they sell to the client from the accounts receivable they owe to the client for product purchased, the bank requires a contra offset or reduction for this amount from the accounts receivable.
This directly impacts the total amount the client can borrow (per the borrowing base calculation).
When this issue was corrected, the company was over $1.0 million overdrawn on its credit line. The bank placed the company in default, offered a short-term forbearance agreement and considered pulling the line.
The mission is to maintain the relationship with the bank and correct the contra and overdrawn situation as rapidly as possible.
Prepare a detailed cash flow statement with weekly conformance tests to determine when additional payments can be made to the bank to slowly bring the credit line back into compliance.
Mission Accomplished
Due to the clients improved cash flow accuracy and consistency is paying the overdrawn amount down, the bank worked with the client and provided sufficient time for the client to correct the overdrawn situation. The client progressed to better circumstances and later sold the business.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
More business is not always a good thing – in this case a $15 million/year contract was excessively consuming the companies’ key resources and creating a costly chain of events.
It was also later determined that the new work had been incorrectly priced based on circumstances that were not initially evident or explained by the customer.
A large automotive Tier 1 supplier was struggling with capacity, equipment and tooling issues, and outsourced a large volume of business to the client.
The Tier 1 customer also required the client to purchase steel from its steel suppliers at agreed to pricing. These costs were to be charged back to the customer with no mark-up.
Based on the conversion price (non-material price) obtained per part produced, it seems like a highly profitable piece of business.
As the work is transitioned in, the client begins losing money with no end in sight. The tooling is in terrible condition and there is no time to repair the tools due to the customer already very late to their OEM customers.
The client begins working seven days a week, inadvertently putting less focus on other customers and starting to fall behind with other shipments.
The Tier 1 customer is also completely disorganized regarding its orders, schedules, steel supply, and even keeping track of who owes who, creating an accounting nightmare and constant disagreements.
The client also learns this same tooling has been to many of their competitors over the years and caused problems everywhere they went.
Mission Accomplished
There is only one solution for a customer that treats their suppliers this way. Get rid of them as fast as possible.
Within one week of involvement at the facility, a trip was made to visit the Tier 1 customer’s President.
After confirming they would not work together to fix the situation and repay the supplier for the costs incurred keeping them from missing shipments to their customers, the customer was fired and told to pick up their tooling the following Monday.
Not another moment must be wasted on this customer.
The client returned to focusing on its other paying customers and reversed the losses of over $200k per month incurred with this ‘new business’.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Client has a poorly performing operation and wants to sell the business and focus on its other operations.
The business for sale lost over $4.0 million the prior year and has been struggling to survive. The business cannot be closed and liquidated without significant losses, since it has a large amount of debt exceeding its asset value, including over $7.0 million owed to suppliers.
A package of information was prepared to describe the client’s business for sale and marketed the company. Held site visits, discussions and negotiations with multiple potential buyers.
Successfully sold the business to a European automotive supplier that needed an operation in the US and appreciated the positive capabilities of the client’s business. They had new volume to add and could overlook the prior year’s poor performance, and paid a value based on the future years’ projections.
The client was able to exit the business while paying off all lenders, suppliers and investors in full.
The entire process took approximately 6 months to complete.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
The clients buying practices were very informal and not well managed. After a review of expenditures, it is found that a large key supplier had increased prices frequently and exercised an automatic 5-year renewal provision in the agreement.
The client believed it was too late and they were locked into the renewed five-year agreements and could not change anything anyway.
This does not sound right.
Mission Accomplished
A study of the critical supplier yielded price increases of over 30% per year, often spread over quarterly adjustments. This ‘gradually’ tripled the pricing over five years.
The price adjustments were supposedly tied to a specific commodity index, but after further review, the commodity pricing index had hardly changed over the five years.
After learning about the industry, competitive pricing, commodities that impact the pricing, and seeking specific legal advice regarding key contract language, the contract was terminated by the client and a new agreement negotiated with the supplier for five years at less than one-third of the current cost, a sizable six figure savings every year.
We were also able to negotiate reimbursement from the supplier for a portion of the amounts ‘overcharged’ equal to almost two years of free supply of products.
There is usually a way to change anything. Just have to know where to look, and how to ‘ask’.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
The company had operated a 401k plan for over 20 years with the same service and financial advisor.
Every year they had carefully reviewed the plan operating costs and found them to be reasonable and within market metrics as reported.
When plan assets exceeded $5 million, the company requested the provider to take another look at the fees. A small reduction was provided for the ask, but it was presented as the best that could be achieved.
With these costs being born by reduced investment returns to the employees, there was concern this might represent a fiduciary risk to the company. It was worth taking another look.
The plan was re-examined and sent to bid in the marketplace with AAA rated providers. The results were quite remarkable. Not only was the plan redesigned to only offer best in class investment funds, but the fiduciary responsibility was shifted from the company to the new financial advisor.
A Third-Party Administrator was contracted to take care of the administration of the plan which formerly fell on the company.
All this plus an annual savings of 45% compared to the prior cost associated with the administration of the plan.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Our client’s company was faced with escalating health care costs combined with eroding benefits in an environment where health costs were increasing on average 12%, often 20% plus year over year.
The client did not want to pass on the increase to its employees but could not absorb the increase in cost either.
A solution was needed to combat eroding benefits and escalating costs.
A complete review of the employee benefit package revealed that significant savings could be achieved by moving to a self-insured platform for group healthcare and some of the ancillary coverages such as Dental and Short-Term Disability.
The company’s risk was managed by aggregate and specific stop loss coverages. A Third-Party Administrator was contracted to administer the claims.
Implemented an annual wellness fair where employees had the opportunity to get screened for things like high blood pressure and diabetes to hopefully catch some diseases before they became a devastating illness.
Implemented on-site flu and pneumonia shots available for all employees to promote a healthy work environment and reduce absenteeism due to illness.
Mission Accomplished
The employees appreciated our client’s interest in their well-being and the improved benefit plan without an increase in cost. The company realized significant savings by moving to the self-insured platform versus guaranteed cost and was able to provide better benefits to its employees.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
The client would like to make a complimentary acquisition of a company in a similar business to obtain a higher level of process capability.
This additional capability will enable the client to increase sales with its existing customers by providing these additional services.
An ideal acquisition candidate is identified and approached. A relationship between the client and the acquisition candidate is fostered with a goal established between the owners to create a win-win arrangement together, for both parties, within the client’s financial limitations.
For the client to afford the acquisition, a transaction needs to be negotiated that requires very little cash paid upfront with the majority of the purchase price structured through an earnout over 5 years.
The future earnout payments to be based on sales revenue generated by the acquired business, so risk is minimized for the client.
Goal is to maintain the current ownership and employees from the acquisition to remain and continue with the merged business, controlled by our client.
Manage the entire process to ensure a successful acquisition and integration, including:
Mission Accomplished
All of client’s objectives were successfully achieved with the acquisition and integration.
The entire process from start to Closing took six months. Complete move and consolidation of the business after Closing completed in two months.
A positive profit and contribution is achieved from the newly acquired business unit within three months from Closing, simultaneous with completion of the integration.
ClearStone International
Clear Solutions. Solid Results.
Contact us and we’ll have a confidential conversation with you to quickly assess the situation. No charge. We will listen, ask questions and immediately discuss ideas and potential solutions with you.
We prioritize and focus on actions that will have the most beneficial impact, and then either work with you to get them done or do it completely for you with your approval.
Contact us and we’ll have a confidential conversation with you to quickly assess the situation. No charge. We will listen, ask questions and immediately discuss ideas and potential solutions with you.
We prioritize and focus on actions that will have the most beneficial impact, and then either work with you to get them done or do it completely for you with your approval.